Salon Daguerre 2024

Jury 2024


Carmen LEARDINI is a native of Luxembourg and is recognised as an AFIAP artist and gold badge holder of the Luxembourg federation of artistic photography (honFLA).

Fernand BRAUN

Fernand BRAUN is a native of Luxembourg and is recognised as an AFIAP artist and gold badge holder of the Luxembourg federation of artistic photography (honFLA).


Régis has been a member of the Paris Val-de-Bièvre Photo Club since 2001.

Régis RAMPNOUX has been awarded the title of Excellence Gold by the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) and Master of the PSA.

Passionate about photography, he likes to use techniques such as polaroid transfers, prisms and filters. He likes to play with his models, making them converse with different objects. These interactions give rise to new ideas that renew his visual imagination.